Break the Habit

“With a great belief comes great rewards”

It has been 8 challenging and fantastic years for the store and after last years amazing growth this year will be a record breaking one. I truly believe each and every one of You will succeed in your ambitions, projects ,goals, and anything else You put your heart and mind to. No matter what journey we have taken to get to where we are in this moment of life, we should be no less than happy and grateful. But we all have something we want to achieve before a certain time limit. With great achievements comes many sacrifices and thats something we have to ask ourselves how much we really want whats worth sacrificing. This year is about You and how much You can achieve. Achieving something is not about competing, except with that of yourself, to become the better you. None of us can be certain, if we live until the end of this year. One thing we can be sure of is this very moment. Embrace it.

You are so important that we all forget how much of an impact we make in peoples lives in so many ways. For every situation experience and memorable moments will always leave an imprint in someones heart and mind. Even doing a transaction can have the biggest change in ones lives. As has been the experienced of many of you who have by chance found out about The Frankincense Store. One by one you all helped us to grow to who we are today. This is the impact You have had on us. Just imagine how many other peoples lives You have changed without realising. It could have been something as small as smiling at someone who hasn't even been smiled at. Everyday we go about our business and do the things we do. What we do effects everyone around us, and this is what connects us. If just one of us went missing it breaks the chain of events, circumstances, opportunities and experiences.

My very own existence has had an impact on all of you reading this. Every life is important as we do not know what one will become. Try and keep your focus on You this year and what really matters to You. World politics and agendas are answering to a different call and we are living in a war of the minds. Our minds is what keeps us from achieving the better lives for us and our loved ones. Do Not let others judgement of people, a nation, a religion or a way of life alter your attitudes towards each other. This is Our world we choose how we want to live it. We always have, and no law, religion, culture or parent has ever had the power to stop us from doing something we want to except when we come to our own self realisation. Know yourself and do whats good for us. Focus on your self, family, business and surroundings and everything else will be taken care of. Spread the energy of love in all you do. For the short time we reside on earth minus half the time we are sleeping there is no other option except to be kind loving and considerate. The earth doesn't need You to look after it, it needs You to take care of yourself. It’s been here way long before you existed and will be way after you have gone. Many people work towards financial success, but success is everywhere, everyday in every moment. Succeed the day by completing what you set out to do, and helping a few people on that day wouldn't hurt, as you may never get the opportunity again. Helping others is the best opportunity one can have for it helps to build your character in a positive way. You learn to let go of negative characters, judgement, suspicion, doubt and selfishness and gain something far more better, Confidence, compassion, trust, and contentment to name a few.

We as humans know everything about everyone else but haven't even touched the surface of knowing our true self. This is your year. Do whatever it takes to put yourself first and bring everyone else next to you. You are created for a purpose and the answer to the purpose is within yourself. Go and find it and the World is Yours.

We Thank You for continuously being on this Frankincense journey with us, that has touched and transformed the lives of many world wide. With a great belief comes great rewards . Believe in yourself . Because We believe in You, like You did in Us.

Free Your Senses

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