The Christmas Story...

December is finally here and the year just flew by. It's a time when we all get excited for Christmas, buying presents, visiting markets, indulging in food and drinks, and just enjoying ourselves. But this year, is the Christmas spirit starting to fade? Are people realising how much Christmas really costs and the pressure it puts on families.

These days Christmas is celebrated by people of all faiths and backgrounds. Which is great for the Zionist multi corporations, but look at whats really going on? The entire middle east, eastern Europe and Mainland Europe celebrate Christmas in a very different way to us. Our image of Christmas has been programmed into our minds by Walt Disney and Hollywood films.In a world consumed by money, we chase deals and buy pointless gifts, fueling waste and environmental problems. The threat of war looms. Instead, let's reflect, cherish loved ones, and appreciate what we have. Gifts can be given anytime, not just at Christmas.

Christmas is the biggest celebration worldwide, even though it originated from ancient pagan German customs. We celebrate Christmas because it marks the birth of Jesus and his message to worship only God. We often get caught up in buying expensive decorations and presents and forget that Christmas is about honoring the humble beginning of Jesus, born in a stable to a poor family. Therefore, this Christmas, let's take a moment to reflect, express gratitude, and empathize with Mary, Joseph, and Jesus. We have everything we need if we shift our focus from material desires. Christmas is a day for coming together, enjoying a meal, spending time with family and friends, and simply relaxing and rejuvenating our senses.

However, Christmas has always been a fantastic time of year and a time that every child loves and will grow up remembering. As times are changing, the way we celebrate Christmas will also change. World events, climate and environment issues and the way we spend our money will affect it.

Christmas is typically on December 25th, but some believe Jesus was actually born in the spring. England banned Christmas from 1647-1660 to remove pagan elements and corruption from the Catholic Church. People didn't like the ban, and Christmas was eventually brought back, but tensions remained between the Anglican and Roman Catholic Church.

However, it can be said that while some families enjoy happy celebrations without financial struggles, there are still many families who experience poverty during Christmas. These families feel despair because they lack the means to provide their children with even basic necessities as Christmas presents. This sobering reality makes us reflect on the true Christian message of selflessness, benevolence, and treating others with love and care as we do ourselves.

Origins of Christmas

'The word Christmas come from the words Christ' which means 'Messiah' — and 'Mass' which is a religious festival. In the West today, the real meaning of Christmas is often forgotten. More children believe in Santa than in Jesus.

The Bible tells how Jesus was born as a baby to Mary. This was no ordinary birth! An angel had told her she would bear a special baby. Her husband Joseph, did not believe her at first. Who would? Then an angel told him in a dream that it was true! So when they had to travel from their home in Nazareth to Bethlehem in Palestine to register their names with the ruling Roman government, they must have escaped many hard words from other people.

Arrival in Bethlehem brought worry and upset: there was no room for them to stay at the hotel. There was only space in the stables — the animal house for travellers' donkeys and horses. Jesus was born that night, and as they had no bed for him, they used an animal feeding box filled with the dry grass the animals ate.

After Jesus was born, wise men came to look for Him, from an area which is now in either Iran or Oman. They had seen an unusual new star in the sky, and knew that it told of the birth of a special soul. They followed the direction of the star and eventually found the place where Mary, Joseph and Jesus were staying. To bring honour to the child, they brought 3 rich gifts: gold, frankincense and myrrh

The Frankincense symbolises Kingship. Its is known as the King of all incense and essential oils. Its history is a magnificent one full of triumphs and tribulations. The King of all Kings have used it, Great men have invaded lands for it, the leaders and rulers over the earth chosen by the Divine have used it. It has the essence of Man with the sweetness of a Women. It brings One to be free from the boundaries of society. Frankincense created civilisations, built early trade routes and connected countries on a world platform. It is the majestic aspect of the universe creating a sap from a tree that can guide One back on their journey to the Divine. 

The Myrrh symbolises Queenship. It has the courage of a man and the healing effects of a women. It is known to heal scars, wounds, skin problems and also digestion, heart problems and nervousness. Like a women protecting and guarding her King. Myrhh has the powerful warming and soothing  effects for opening the heart. All The Queens of Egypt have embalmed themselves for their sheer beauty with it. Myrrh has always been besides Frankincense protecting him throughout the years as civilisations were conquered and destroyed, their bond has always been recognised as one. 

The Gold symbolises the wealth of Frankincense and Myrrh. When Frankincense and Myrrh is burnt together it connects the oneness of man and women, through the warming of the heart. Hence “a warm heart is a heart made of gold”. Gold will attract gold and not only will one become healthy but wealthy in many ways too. Gold is the real value of wealth, whether it be a small coin , some jewellery or a vault full of Kilos. It can be used world wide at any time, especially in times of war.

So this Christmas, observe yourself, self reflect and ask why do we do what we do? in a world that has become so manipulative through commecialism and global polital agendas to control our very freedoms. Free yourself from commercial slavery and find the kingdom of heaven within.

Shehbaz KhanComment