Frankincense & The Heart

Frankincense as we know has many healing benefits. Since ancient times it's known to connect man & woman to the Divine. Nothing has changed since then. For all that frankincense has taught in its history, We are all blessed to experience the powerful effects of frankincense in this modern age. One of the most important healing effects is the opening of the heart.

We are starting to learn about the power of the heart, even though this knowledge has been around for centuries. Famous poets like Rumi speak about the Love for the Divine and the contentment of the Heart. The heart has its own brain which science has not yet fully understood or can prove certain attributes. We are moving into a new era of time where the hearts role in society is having a significant effect. The heart is the processor of information, particularly with emotions. There are a number of meanings to the effects associated with the heart. These include severity and harshness in dealing with people, soundness, repentance, rivalry, envy, sinfulness, faith, sickness and trouble, guidance, gratitude, assurance and peace, fear and reasoning and of course love. The heart reacts incredibly to issues related to goodness and wickedness. While not all negative thoughts and feelings are bad for health, specific emotional states (mental), especially stress and depression, have now been linked to heart troubles of all kinds. Evidence is overwhelming that the heart takes a beating after psychic trauma, but lesser insults may have an impact. Personality factors like extroversion and optimism can positively impact the cardiovascular system and  health of the heart, while anger and stress can damage the heart and the mind. Some forms of heart disease even trigger the same chemistry found in depression and stress.

More people are starting to think with their heart instead of their minds. whilst politicians and religious leaders continue to use their intellectual minds to control us, our hearts are awakening to truth. When we start to think with our hearts you know it is true, there can be no negative output or calamity upon you. For the heart is pure it will feel and know and that knowing will guide you . The more the heart opens to the universe the more you will feel. The more the heart feels the more your mind will be silent. The heart can resonate at a frequency of 528Hz. This is the frequency the whole universe resonates at. People who reach this level of heart activation can heal all that is around and live in life according to the laws of the universe.  You will be able to feel every atom of yours connecting to all that around you. The 528Hz frequency can advance and repair the DNA. This is something we have always believed in, that frankincense has the ability to repair affected DNA cells and to enhance them. Because any damaged DNA can be repaired, even if that damage is caused by cancer. Our heart is one of the most important organs in our body. It is responsible for pumping the blood around, which energises and keeps us functioning. A good heart lives a good life.

Certain types of food, drugs and music  can also effect the condition of our heart. Isn't heart attacks and heart failure a common illness in many countries? Think about what causes it.

All the religions talk about the beauty of the heart , but many focus on law, order and tradition to teach you what they understand at the frequency they live by. We can only unite as One when the connection with the heart is all embracing , for it is only though the heart you will find the Divine and the concept of One.

So how do we connect with the heart?  There is something, someone and someplace we all Love with our heart, try and put this same emotion in everything else! To feel a deeper spiritual connection the use of frankincense specifically our Orange Hojari or the Love Potion can really activate you to a higher frequency. It is the activation of the heart that has helped us to understand the laws of the Universe in a language that is not quite easily explainable. You will just know!